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Class Of 1968
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Diane Baker (Cain)
Sherre Baker (Winkle)
Phillip Baldwin
Becky Barker (Davis)
Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)
Kay Beutler (Enz)
Linda Blackmore (Schill)
Shirley Boese
Susan Brainard (Ashcraft)
Janet Brodhagen (Gunn)
Anita Brown (Sadowski)
Julie Buckman
Leroy Buller
Linda Burns
Deanna Callahan (Callahan)
Roberta Callahan (Wheeler)
Carol Campa (Sanchez)
Ida Chavez (Solis)
Joleen Claassen
Ron Coffman
Allen Cooper
Barb Dalke (Pownell)
Lissy Davidson (Rakestraw)
Michael Keith Davis
Dean Dent
Lillian Dick (Quiring)
Linda Diringer (Guhr)
David Ediger
Stanley Estrada
Paul Flores
David Flory
Debbie Friesen (Nelson)
Barbara Gabel (Gabel)
Ray Gaede
Anita Garcia (Llamas)
Tony Garcia
Margarita Garnica (Jaso)
Paula Gonzalez (Whillock)
Allen Goodman
Paula Graber (Morris)
Garry Gray
Larry Gray
Connie Hale (Rhodes)
Tim Hanna
Karen Hartman (Baucom)
George Hawk
David Hay
Janie Hedrick (Grant)
Willy Horn
John Hrovat
Thomas Jackson
Ted Jantz
Diana Joseph (Moore)
Darla Klassen (Drosselmeyer)
Aimee Koehn (Metzler)
Maureen Koehn (Fast)
Nancy Lankton (Beckmon)
Robert Leithoff
Randy Lettau
Martin Libhart
Mike Llamas
Glenda Magee (Miller)
Rich Martinez (Martinez)
Tony Martinez
Anita Mason (Gray)
Helen Mason (Diringer)
Steve McCullough
Kem Meires (Nicodemus)
Erle Miller
Evelyn Miller (Maier)
Marilyn Miller (Whittington)
Mark Miller
Steve Morford
Edward Myers (Myers)
Kenneth Neufeld
Robert Nicol
Pam Nye (Behymer)
Richard Parsons
Robert Pauley
Theresa Pina (Estrada)
David Powell
Peter Preheim (Preheim)
Joyce Putnam (Hockett)
Chick Ragland
Mike Ratzlaff
Patricia Reid (Timmons)
Mary Rich (Jabara)
Mike Roberts
Adolph Rodriguez
Shannon Roy
Mikall Ryan
Jacob Sacks
Anita Sandoval (Caster)
Carol Sauerwein (Trout)
Charles Sauerwein
Kim Saylor
Martha Scott (Serviss)
Barbara Sheets (Readey)
Barbara Smith
Ken Smith
Steve Smith
Gerald Stiver
Albert Terrones
Rita Terry Stanton (Jamison)
Jack Thaw
Valerie Thaw
Martin Thomas
Les Tolbert
Richard Tolbert
Mary Truesdell (Smith)
Leanne Trussell (Coester)
Janet Underwood (Huber)
Cheryl Unruh (Ferris)
Helen Wiebe (Gough)
Kelly Williams
Rick Young
Kathy Ziemmerman (Goetting)