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06/05/17 09:52 AM #1362    


Connie Hale (Rhodes)

Happy Birthday to all for another year....When we can no longer cook without wearing glasses… the ‘golden years’ have truly arrived.

The other morning I cooked oatmeal for breakfast. John and I like to change-up oatmeal now and then by rotating variety of nuts, fruit, honey, etc. It’s a simple breakfast. The oatmeal goes into two cereal bowls, then mix in choices of nuts, fruit, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, honey for John and a dash of black molasses for me. Whatever you put into the oatmeal it only enhances, giving mush lump texture.

Anyway, I decided to make John a full-oatmeal-deal. Digging in the frig drawer for variety and dehydrated fruit, I was delighted to find a small blue “Kruger-BLUE” zip-sack. Yeah! Blueberries added into the mix. Just cover with water, microwave 2 minutes. Ta-Da breakfast served.

Yummy! After gobbling up half a bowl, I told John that I didn’t think he would care for the oatmeal this morning. For some reason the sunflower seeds puffed up and had an odd taste. And sure'nuf after a few bites John said ‘your right!  Reminds me of Lucy’s doggie treats’!!!!!!! Do I need to say more?

YEP! John was saying something about needing to wear glasses when cooking, but I couldn’t be certain with my head over the toilet. He promptly tossed my full-meal-deal over the pasture fence along with the doggie-blueberry treats. Then he made us a much better breakfast.


06/05/17 03:51 PM #1363    


Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)


Thanks for making my day! I needed a good laugh. I can always count on you for a good laugh!

06/15/17 02:04 PM #1364    


Barbara Gabel (Gabel)

Just wanted to get a jump on the birthday wishes for Connie before I forgot!! Thanks for your humor, love and spunk. You've always been able to lift my spirits and keep a smile on my face. Truly one-in-a-million good friend!! Hope your birthday is the best ever!  Luv, Barb

06/16/17 07:39 PM #1365    


Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)

Happy Birthday Connie! This world is truly a better and more fun place to be because of you! I am truly blessed to know you, you bring so much joy and inspiration to everyone who has the great fortune to meet you.  Have a great and wonderful day!

06/16/17 07:44 PM #1366    


Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)

Barbara Gabel

You look absolutely beautiflul!  I love your picture!  I haven't seen it until today. Read the update on your profile, remind us about July. Good for you!

06/28/17 08:09 PM #1367    


Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)

It is with great sadness that I am letting our class know about the passing of another classmate and good friend.

Jim Meetz died of a heart attack about 5p.m. on 6-26-17 at his home. His wife Barbara Smith Meetz called me Tuesday to let me know the sad news.

The full obituary can be found at

His family will gather with friends on Saturday from 10 - 11:30 a.m. at First Baptist Church, 315 W Central, El Dorado, KS 67042 where his funeral service will be held at 11:30 a.m.  He will be laid to rest in Walton Cemetery.  

Barbara came by to visit with me today and asked if I would share with everyone the news. We had a very long visit and shared a lot of memories. My thoughts and prayers go out to Barbara and Jim's family.

06/29/17 06:27 AM #1368    


Bill Boyd

First the good news:  The cancer that had gone to my liver still has not come back in my liver.

Now the not so good news:  The tumor in my lung that had shrunk from 8cm to 5cm has grown to 13cm.   They have decided to do radiation therapy that will concentrate a very high dose of radiation directly on that cancer.  Because it is concentrated and a very high dose, I will only have 5 treatments over a week and a half.  This is not usually done on small cell cancer like I have because the small cell will always pop up somewhere else.  Usually the small cell spreads to lymph nodes and other organs quickly, but I have only the one lesion.  The radiation oncologist says that it is unusual, and that it will probably do some good because the tumor is so small. 

 (NOTE:  ROGER MORTON!  This all started with a hip replacement.)

Keep in mind that it is still small cell cancer and will probably pop up somewhere even if it shrinks to seemingly nothing.

I love you guys.

07/22/17 11:51 AM #1369    


Tom Collier

Hey ALL -

I posted information on the 50 Year Reunion AND the RAILER RENDEZVOUS in Las Vegas on the RAILER RUMBLINGS page - PLEASE check it out and keep in touch regarding either of the events.

Thanks -

Tom C.

07/25/17 09:12 AM #1370    


Dennis Schmidt


Thanks for posting the information on the Reunion and Las Vegas events next year.  We look forward to attending both of them. 


08/02/17 04:27 PM #1371    

Mike Roberts

Classmate Charles Fry pasted on July 31, 2017 he was 66 pray for him and his family.

08/03/17 10:32 AM #1372    


Veronica Camargo

I remember Charles with his red hair. He was always kind to me. Sending prayers for his family.

08/05/17 02:21 PM #1373    


Barbara Gabel (Gabel)

The last time I saw Charles was at the 20th Reunion. We accidently met up at the ice cream parlor next to the motel. He recognized me first and came over to talk to me. We had a great time reminiscing about everything. His wife was so gracious to allow us the time. Was so looking forward to catching up at the 50th. He will be greatly missed. 

09/24/17 06:49 AM #1374    


Bill Boyd

Hope you guys had a good breakfast, yesterday.  Just curious... How many people are usually there?  I'm hoping to make it to the 50th.  Wish I could be certain of things, but every time I make a firm decision, it turns out to be wrong.  I guess "hope" is as close as I can get to certainty.  Anyway, see you all someday.


11/10/17 12:03 PM #1375    


Tom Collier


This Saturday (11th) is our monthly class breakfast at the Breadbasket. We will meet around 9 am. in the backroom.

(PS: I'm sending this for KIM - I know he's busy with his NEW house, so I thought I would fill in. - TC)

11/13/17 06:28 AM #1376    


Bill Boyd

Life is good...

In case you didn't see it on Facebook, a recent PET scan found that the lesion in my lung has shrunk to 2mm and there is no sign of it spreading.  Watch out, Lung Cancer!


11/14/17 12:38 AM #1377    


Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)

Great news, Bill !!! I hope you are celebrating the good news. I will keep praying for you to have continued healing.


11/14/17 07:31 AM #1378    


Bill Boyd

Thank you, Terry.

If anybody has any information about Donavon Schmidt, other than what you can find on the internet, I would like to get in touch with him.

11/14/17 08:32 AM #1379    


Sherre Baker (Winkle)

Wonderful news, Bill!  I’m praying for your continued healing!  Thank you for the update!

11/15/17 08:17 PM #1380    


Roger Morton

I'm so glad to hear that both Bill and Darla are doing well, and the good report about Ron Blake is much welcomed, too. You all are dear to me. I hope to see you all next July!


01/12/18 09:52 AM #1381    


Leroy Buller

We are workind on the 50th Reunion.  We are getting the information together and will send out an email soon.  Committe is Lee Buller, Tom Collier, Bob Hurley, and Connie Rhodes.  The theme is Golden Jubilee 50th.  Plans are still being refined.  Stand by for news.  FILM AT 11



01/12/18 09:02 PM #1382    


Terry Bernowich (Schmitz)

I would like to thank Lee Buller, Tom Collier, Bob Hurley, Connie Rhodes (and their spouses) for planning our upcoming 50th reunion. I know it takes a lot time and work to put these reunions together. I haven't made it to the last few get togethers on the second Saturday of the month. I hope to make it one of these days. I have had a lot going on in my life these past few months. I miss seening all of you. Keep up the good work!

02/08/18 01:27 PM #1383    


Kim Saylor

     Newton High School
Class Of 1968


 Mary Collier called me early this morning from Punta Cana in the Dom. Rep. to tell me that Tom passed away in his sleep last night.......

She is in a foreign country without any friends or support, so our thoughts and prayers will be very welcomed. They were down there on vacation at a resort they had visited before so they were not total strangers to the area. She said the resort and authorities have been very helpful working with her to get through this. She is on her way back home to make arrangements here. Details will follow.

Tom was where he wanted to be, doing what he loved to do, with the person he loved the most. So as Meatloaf says "don't be sad cause 2 outta 3 ain't bad".


02/08/18 01:28 PM #1384    


Paula Graber (Morris)

Sending love, prayers and sincerest condolences to Mary Collier.  Tom was a wonderful man and his hard work on  class reunions, was so appreciated!

02/08/18 01:38 PM #1385    


Dennis Schmidt

Tom had the greatest sense of humor and could always make all of us laugh so hard.  Our hearts go out to Mary and his family.  He will be missed!

02/08/18 01:56 PM #1386    


June Nicodemus (Peters)

Tom had a great sense of humor.  Loved his quirky comments, loved his jokes, loved him.  He will be missed.

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